Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am back!!!!!

I am back and it feels so Good!!! I apologize for my absence. I have been on vacation pretty much the whole entire summer!!! My husbands family has a ranch outside of Coalville, UT and we went up about every weekend. I also spent a week in Park City at the resort with my family in the middle of July. August was busy spending time with my husbands family. We began the month at a beach house in Newport Beach and Disneyland for a week. We then went back to the ranch and spent of the remainder of the month there. With all the vacationing, home cooked meals and going out to eat was the majority of what I consumed. Not the very cleanest foods to eat. I also haven't been able to exercise as intensely as I was doing before the summer began. But despite the food and not working out, I still lost 10 lbs this summer. Something I was not expecting!! I did notice though, that my energy level was very low. I have learned these past couple months that what I eat really does effect how I feel, along with working out.

This past week has been the beginning of a new month, and it also means I am back to my old habits! Going to the gym was hard. I could defiantly tell my muscle mass has decreased and I am not as strong and tone as I was at the beginning of the summer. I was depressed when I got home from a workout and felt like I was going backwards. My husband helped assure me that I still look great and that I am doing great.

This morning I measured myself, and was happy to see that I haven't gained any inches, but that I maintained. I recently have made a goal to lose 15 lbs by Thanksgiving. That's 5 lbs a month which is a great monthly goal. I have also recruited some girls from my salon to have the same goal with me. We are working out together and supporting each other. Having a support system is so important and I am so glad for good friends to support me.

I am excited to be back in the kitchen and sharing recipes and posts.  I encourage you all to make a long term goal and a monthly goal. Feel free to share with me or comment on what your goal is. I want to be your support!!!

PS. My personal note I found and have taped to my mirror :)

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