Monday, April 14, 2014

Beef: it's what's for dinner.

So currently I'm in my home town for the week, North Platte Nebraska. It's crazy here. Saturday was 71 and today we have an inch of snow and nasty cold winds. Ugh! Oh well I guess. That's how Nebraska springs are. Even though I'm gone from my gym and on a little vacation, I'll still be exercising and eating clean. My dad has a pretty good weight set and cable machine. Along with that he has a treadmill and brand new elliptical, which is a beast!!! So I'm super excited to still get my workout in. My dad doesn't believe in chicken. I think I have only seen him eat it a handful of times. My dad is a cattle consultant and nutritionist. I grew up on amazing beef so eating store bought beef is nasty to me. That is the main reason for not eating it, along with it not being the cleanest meat. But since I'm home I'll be treating myself to some amazing beef. I'll just be sure to double my green intake so it can help break down the meat and counter act the fatty food :)

Last night we had the missionaries over and we made quite the feast. (Sorry I wasn't able to take pictures) Dad made his famous roast beef. I'd share the recipe but it's family secret and I have no idea what's in the marinade. We had some wonderful mashed potatoes. I only had 1/4 of cup cuz I'm not big into starchy food, but you have to have potatoes with Nebraska beef :) For sides we had a raw veggie tray, berry green salad, biscuits, and a raw fruit platter. It was quite a feast!!!!

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